Church Office 254-666-7722
Troop 7081 is currently the only troop sponsored by St. Jerome. If you have a daughter in grades Kindergarten through 6th Grade, she can be placed in one of the many other troops in the Hewitt/Woodway area or you can begin a new troop at St. Jerome.
Founding a new troop is not difficult; though it does require a commitment of time and energy on the part of the new leaders. Training is provided by the Girl Scouts of Central Texas Council and there is a support system of volunteers in the local Greater Waco Service Unit which meets monthly for fellowship and sharing as well as communication of local events and opportunities for the girls. The effort and commitment is well worth the result: seeing your daughter and her friends blossom into strong and confident young ladies. To get your new troop started contact the local Girl Scout office at 254-756-4497 or the Service Unit Troop Coordinator at 254-715-9031. To obtain sponsorship and meeting space at St Jerome, contact the parish office.
In addition to the traditional troop setting, girls can also participate in Girl Scouting as Juliette Girl Scouts in any combination of the other five pathways of Scouts. Pathways offer the freedom to tailor girls' level of involvement to fit their schedule and lifestyle. Visit this link for more information: