Church Office 254-666-7722
The St. Jerome Liturgical Life Committee led by the pastor and facilitated by the designated Deacon meets with the leaders of the Worship Life Ministries who support the Mass. The committee focuses on communicating, executing, and maintaining the liturgical guidelines observed by the Diocese. These guidelines apply to all ministries that support the Mass and other liturgical services. Leaders of these ministries are responsible for communicating these norms to members of their liturgical groups.
The pastor, as the chief governing person and accountable to the Bishop, presides over the Liturgical committee and serves as the final arbiter on all issues regarding the liturgy. Members of the Liturgical committee serve at the will of the pastor. The Liturgical committee meets quarterly or as necessary and is available to the Pastor on an as needed basis.
POC: Kathy Liro..……..………………………...……..……Phone: (254) 666-7722