At St. Jerome we LOVE Baptism preparation! We absolutely live for it! As such, we have adopted what we believe is the absolute most thorough, engaging, and worthwhile preparation process out there! It takes the average family about a month to prepare for Baptism, from beginning to end.
Please click on the image above to learn more, and email Angela Daly with all your questions!
Our next CLAIM orientation is Feb 9th at 2pm. Meet at the St. Jerome statue! [email protected] FAQ: Who needs to prepare for Baptism? You need to prepare for Baptism if this is your first child, or your first child to be Baptized in the Catholic church.
Who can be a Godparent? The code of Cannon law (the law of the catholic church) specifies the requirements for serving as godparents at Baptism (Canon 874): You may not be the parent of the person being baptized; you must be at least 16 years old; you must be fully initiated (Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist); if married, be in a valid catholic marriage; and live a life of active faith in the Catholic Church (regular Mass attendance).
What if I choose someone who does not meet these requirements? You must have one godparent that meets the above requirements. If you have a second person who is non-catholic, or catholic but not fully initiated, they can be a "Christian Witness". Christian Witnesses participate in the Baptism in the same way as the godparents. Christian Witnesses must be baptized, and living a life of active Christian faith.